Simplifying your daily rhythms is going to be easier than you think!

Mama friend,

this is just a guess, but...

Are you tired of living in survival mode?

It’s time to create simple routines in your home so you can spend more time with your family.

Knew how to prioritize your daily tasks to balance work & family time without sacrificing a tidy home

Said NO to overcommitments with confidence and lack of guilt

Had CONSISTENT systems to manage your day with simple routines you can maintain

Imagine if you...

Felt joyful & present instead of overstimulated & Scrolling your phone to escape

Had extra margin in the day to have time for yourself again without the guilt

A program to help you establish consistent routines to give your family the best of you,
not “the rest of you” 





Before this course, I was SO stressed and my attention was always split in multiple directions. The course gave me tools and accountability to create new habits and routines that help me stay on top of things. My busiest days are still busy but feel so much less overwhelming. I have new rhythms in place that allow me to prepare for those days in advance instead of just feeling anxious when I look at my calendar! We’re walking through a very hard season right now, but managing my home and to do list isn’t taking up nearly as much space in my brain as it once did, even though I’m still getting everything done. I feel so much mentally healthier and my mind is less cluttered! I feel lighter and more present with my kids, and things around the house just feel simpler! I would definitely recommend this course to other moms who are struggling!

-Jessica T.

"I feel lighter and more present with my kids, and things around the house just feel simpler!"

Since taking the course, I've made HUGE strides in literally every area. It's like a weight had been lifted in every area of my life. Yes, I still have stress and sometimes I still get overwhelmed, but now I know where to start when overwhelm starts to set in. My quality of life has also improved a TON. Before this course, I was so overwhelmed that by even the end of the morning, I had no energy left to even be nice to my kids and husband. I was just always in a bad mood and a serious grouch. I really wanted to see a change and I'm so glad I put in the work for this course. It is so so worth it. My husband has noticed a difference, my kids aren't having to constantly ask me to play with them because its built into our daily rhythms and it just feels like we are a more cohesive family spending intentional time together while also getting things crossed off of our to do list.

-Megan s.

"It's like a weight had been lifted in every area of my life. 100000% this has been literally life-changing for me and my family!"

This course was a one-stop shop for basically resetting my life!! It was an absolute godsend, and KyAnn made it possible to be a mom of young kids AND feel like a human being!! KyAnn taught my husband and I how to do our regular check-ins, so our weeks feel much more manageable and less overwhelming. She asked us the hard questions about where our time was going, and I am more efficiently planning my days with soooo much more time (because now I'm not wasting it all!). My life is honestly changed in such amazing ways because of this course, and I feel like for the first time, I've really got a handle on my life and my relationship with my family. I'm not sinking... I'm enjoying my life for the first time in years.

-Taylor L.

"For the first time, I've really got a handle on my life & my relationship with my family. I'm enjoying my life for the first time in YEARS!"

Exactly what's inside:

6 months of live coaching

...get access to bi-weekly live coaching calls for next-level accountability and specific, customized support for your life needs & responsibilities!


...learn how to fit in rest as a busy mom-prioritizing time for yourself in this culture of 'hustle first, rest later'. 

Intentional Motherhood

module 6

module six

...learn how to truly be present with intentional rhythms to unplug from your phone, connect with your kids, and make the mundane magical.


module 5 five

module five

...learn how to gain control of mealtimes by teaching you tips for effective meal planning, prep + grocery shopping.

Home Management/Cleaning Systems

Home Management/
Cleaning Systems

module 4 four

module four

...learn how to simplify your home management systems so you can get more done in less time. 

Daily Habits

module 3 three

module three

...learn how to prioritize change in your daily habits and maintain them with consistency.

Simplifying Your Calendar/Schedule

module 2 two

module two

...learn how to create the boundaries you need and gain control of your calendar.

Rhythm Reset Framework

module 1 one

module one

...learn how to evaluate your current routines and establish priorities.

module 7 seven

module seven


Inside the course, you get 7 comprehensive, step-by-step modules to help you set up the flexible structure and simplified home systems you need to maintain the balance of being productive with your tasks WHILE being FULLY present with your family.

You need systems & boundaries to stop saying yes to EVERYTHING

You dream of having hobbies & finally being able to relax again

You’re tired of ending the day feeling guilty for not being present enough

You’ve lost sight of your priorities in the chaos of motherhood

You want flexible routines & rhythms that work with your busy schedule


This is for you if...

You have established boundaries & are fully comfortable saying no

You never stopped prioritizing yourself & already have established hobbies

You are fully present every day & don't have any mom guilt

You have a clear sense of your priorities & how to execute them

You already have solid routines & don’t feel like you need to change anything

This is not for you if...

You’re tired of fitting your family + home into the cracks of your day while prioritizing your business (when you really want the opposite)

you have perfect work-life balance & are thriving in both

Student Wins

FREE 1-on-1
Coaching Call

limited time

30 minute 1-on-1 coaching call with KyAnn to dive deep into what routines you need to start with and do a customized audit of your days so you have an accelerated roadmap to see these changes in your days even faster! Never offered publicly!


$150 VALUE!

$150 VALUE!



This is the step-by-step blueprint for how to pivot with grace when your routines aren’t working anymore or things don’t go according to plan!

BONUS Just for You!

an extra

18+ home management and schedule planning templates to use as tools to efficiently manage your home AND your time!


$87 VALUE!

$97 VALUE!

$97 VALUE!

$87 VALUE!

Simplify your daily routines to be more productive AND fully present where you want to be
right now:

in value!






Customized coaching for
1 on 1 support as you move through
the program

Customized coaching for
1 on 1 support as you move through the program

Immediate course access
with 7 self-paced modules
& workbooks

Immediate course access with 7
self-paced modules & workbooks

If you are ready to FINALLY create consistent routines in your home to spend more time with your family, let’s do this!

6 months of bi-weekly coaching calls

6 months of bi-weekly
coaching calls

($1,800 Value!)

($997 Value!)

($1,000 Value!)

($500 Value!)


Payment plan

Pay in full


6 months





"It's honestly unbelievable & I'm only halfway through!"


I needed this when I was a new mom and I was completely overwhelmed by expectations and drowning in motherhood and just kind of feeling trapped honestly and this is going to bless SO many moms. And honestly, that will in turn bless children and their families. This course is PHENOMENAL. This is like SO specific to stay at home moms and answered so many questions I had and have struggled with. It’s honestly unbelievable and I’m only halfway through! It’s amazing.”

"This course is such an answer to prayer!"


“In recent months, I started to feel overwhelmed with all of the day to day tasks & decisions of running a home, tending to two young kids, and trying to get things done during the day because I'm SPENT once the girls are in bed. There have been many days where I've felt overstimulated, irritated, and exhausted instead of joyful, calm, and present. I'm tired of feeling this way and I was praying for a way to make a change and that's when I found this course! The roadmap is already laid out here, you just need to commit to thinking through your own life and goals as you work through it. I love that this is not another book to collect dust on my nightstand, but an action plan filled with practical & encouraging content. I highly recommend it!”

Hey mama friend,

so overwhelmed and stressed that I didn’t even know WHERE to start making changes in my life, let alone how to find the time to actually implement it. Every morning, I was waking up to my kids needing me immediately, everyone crying at the same time and each wanting something different, and I hadn't even fully woken up yet...and then I looked around to see dishes in the sink, none of the ingredients I needed for breakfast, and laundry EVERYWHERE. I felt like a failure-and we were only 10 minutes into the day.

It wasn't until I hit rock bottom and realized I was truly living in survival mode that I discovered that through evaluating my priorities and developing simple rhythms that worked in my busy life, I could set up systems to help me work smarter not harder, get done what needed to get done, and still be present for my family.
I can't wait to work with you so we can give you back the time you so desperately want to spend with your family, resting, or even exploring hobbies that you haven't thought of in years.

You can do this, friend.

On the journey with you,

I remember when I was...



Still have questions?

Q: Who is this course geared towards?

This is geared towards busy moms in general, specifically stay at home moms or work from home moms.

Still have questions?

Q: Can I buy this course if I'm not a mom yet?

Absolutely! You are ahead of the game when you establish your simple routines NOW!!

Still have questions?

Q: What format is the Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course?

Everything within the course is hosted within a member's only portal, which you get access to as soon as you sign up! There are both video lessons (that you can listen to like a podcast!) and text lessons to read or quickly reference sections as you are applying the material. You can take the content day by day or go at your own pace, totally up to you! You could move through this content in as fast as 3-5 days or as long as 3 months, depending on your preference and how you want to apply the information. This isn't just a standard PDF guide-it is a full blown course! There are workbooks in every module, printable templates, PDF downloads, and so much more to help you implement and actually stick with these changes for the long haul!

Still have questions?

Q: Will I get lifetime access to the course?

Yes, you do!!

Still have questions?

Q: Do you offer refunds?

Due to the nature of digital products, Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms is non-refundable. If you do the work and show up, you will have results!

kyann molina